GW Cernoch Works
(979) 725-8975

The 1884 Casino Building
Reproduction Window Sash

LaGrange, Fayette County
The Casino Building was originally constructed by a German fraternal organization as a building for socializing and as a school. As shown above, the Casino Building shortly after construction. Through the years it was a private school, public high school, fire station, city hall, library, and finally a senior citizens center. All this varied use brought about many modifications and remodeling of the building eventually becoming a very different building from the original structure.
Our goal was to bring the building back to its original 1884 exterior and return the upstairs theater to its original size and configuration, we provided new window sash for the window openings as well as some complete new windows for locations; where windows had been removed or the existing frames were too badly deteriorated to save. Most frames were in good condition requiring only minor repair while all windows are receiving new interior and exterior stops, parting stops, and brick molding provided by us.
Downstairs windows were eight light half-round top 3'-1" x 7'-10" double hung, twenty in total including six complete new windows. Twenty upstairs windows were eight light eyebrow (segment head) 3'-1" x 10'-6" double hung and twin four light eyebrow windows 1'-8" x 10'-4" double hung. Additionally were two ten light half-round top 3'-1" x 13'-0" double hung jib head windows where the bottom sash is taller than the top sash extending all the way to the floor. A pocket was built into the wall above the window head which allows the bottom sash to slide up into the wall when opened, providing an opening tall enough for use as a door to access the second floor balcony over the portico.